INT.AR.S. Project
INTeractive ARts Stories

a Zelda Teatro project 
in collaboration with the
International School of Comics of Padua

Financed by TOCC 2023 M1C3 Sub-Investment 3.3.2 European Union – Next Generation EU – NRRP Digital Transition Cultural and Creative Bodies.

INT.AR.S. INTeractive ARts Stories – Stefano Tamiazzo
Art Director Scuola Internazionale Comics Padova

The idea of the video game

Caravaggio The Game is an educational video game that transports players into the fast-paced and vital world of 17th-century Italian art. In the shoes of Caravaggio’s young workshop boy, players and players will venture through the streets of Rome and other cities encountered in the painter’s rollicking life, unraveling the mysteries behind the master’s works.

The game is designed to be both educational and engaging, combining elements of exploration, artistic puzzle solving and historical quizzes. Players and players will assist Caravaggio in the creation of his masterpieces, learning painting techniques and discovering the stories that inspired his works.

The game experience unfolds through a series of quests that require you to carefully observe details, solve puzzles based on artistic principles, and gather historical information. Through a compelling narrative and stunning graphics, the game offers a window into the turbulent and fascinating world of Caravaggio, showing both his artistic genius and his complex personality.

The design concept by the Zelda Teatro company brought a unique theatrical dimension to the project. Thanks to the use of Theater’s technical knowledge, the play’s scenes and dialogues are developed with the main idea of interactivity and user involvement, and enriched with vocal performances and realistic animations, making the narrative even more dynamic and cross-media.
Actors from Zelda Teatro will bring the voices of the historical characters to life, offering interpretations that capture the essence of Caravaggio’s period and artistic context.

Thanks to the collaboration with the International School of Comics in Padua, the play offers a visually stunning and qualitative artistic and narrative quality. The artistic workers employed in the various areas of video game design and implementation helped to create an authentic and detailed visual setting, as well as to develop gameplay that combines fun and learning. This partnership made it possible to integrate accurate artistic elements and compelling storytelling into the game, enriching the educational experience with a touch of creative excellence.

Caravaggio The Game aims to inspire and educate, allowing players to immerse themselves in art history in an interactive and fun way as they discover the secrets and techniques that made Caravaggio one of the greatest artists of all time. By partnering with the Padua International School of Comics and the Zelda Teatro theater company, this project represents a perfect blend of education, entertainment and drama, elevating art learning to a new level of involvement and quality.